The main
purpose of studying legal method is to equip the law student with the right
tools to enable him to think like a lawyer. This is what would be addressed by
discussing legal reasoning. To understand it better, it would be best if the
meaning of legal reasoning is expatiated upon.
The word
“reasoning” has been defined by The Concise Oxford English Dictionary,
5th ed as:
persuasively in a coordinated, orderly, sensible and logical manner”.
The Black’s
Law Dictionary 9th ed further defines “legal” as:
“Of or
relating to law; falling within the province of law”.
From the
above definitions, one can deduce a definition of legal reasoning as the art of
thinking persuasively in a coordinated, orderly, sensible and logical manner in
relation to law. Legal reasoning simply concerns itself with learning how to
think like a lawyer.
In order to
fully understand legal reasoning, the language of the law would first be
highlighted, there would be definition of some key terms and finally, the
different methods of legal reasoning would be discussed.
in this context doesn’t mean a whole new lingua franca. Rather, in considering
the language of the law, I would be highlighting of some of the general
characteristics of legal language. The following are the general features of
legal language:
- Law is
Expressed in General Terms: What this means is that when laws or legal provisions are worded,
they are done in a way that would ensure that so much is covered by saying
so little. Because the law deals with all aspects of life, it cannot
afford to provide for only specific situations. Thus, it makes general
provisions in most instances.
For example,
the Criminal Code provides in S.317:
“A person
who unlawfully kills another in such circumstances as not to constitute murder
is guilty of manslaughter”
This provision
is general in the sense that if a person kills another unlawfully, and it is
not murder, it would be regarded as manslaughter. It would be more awkward and
time consuming if the statute had provided for the individual scenarios that
would constitute manslaughter.
It should
however be noted that the law could be specific in some instances. For example,
the Constitution establishes in S.6 (1) that
the judicial powers of the federation are vested in courts established by the
constitution. The Constitution then further provides in S.6
This section
relates to:-
(a) the
Supreme Court of Nigeria;
(b) the
Court of Appeal;
(c) the
Federal High Court;
(d) the High
Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
(e) a High
Court of a State
(f) the
Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
(g) a Sharia
Court of Appeal of a State;
(h) the
Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
(i) a
Customary Court of Appeal of a State;
(j) such
other courts as may be authorised by law to exercise jurisdiction on matters
with respect to which the National Assembly may make
laws; and
(k) such
other court as may be authorised by law to exercise jurisdiction at first
instance or on appeal on matters with respect to which a House of Assembly may
make laws.
The above
provision specifically lists the various courts which the constitution was
earlier referring to.
- The Use
of Abstract Concepts: Lawyers are not allowed to use words anyhow. Unlike scientists who
can give name to a new thing discovered, a lawyer is not allowed to
formulate words that are not already in use. Thus, when a lawyer wishes to
express himself accurately, he formulates legal concepts. An example of a
legal concept is “rule of law”. These concepts usually contain deeper
meanings than their literal interpretations. For example, the rule of law
has three main components:
- Supremacy of the Law
- Equality before the Law
- Fundamental human rights.
- Other
Remarkable Features of legal language: Legal language in addition to the above, has
some other specific features. They are:
- The use
of common words with uncommon meanings. For example, instead of a lawyer
to say “the court should hold that” he says “it is submitted”.
- Legal
language frequently uses Latin and French words like ultra vires,
consensus ad idem, nemo dat quod non habet
- Frequent
use of archaic words like: hereinbefore, hereinafter, aforementioned etc.
- The use
of special vocabulary that is only understood by those in the profession.
For example, a lawyer would say “my brief has not been perfected”, when he
intends to say that he has not been paid.
- Repetition
of formal words like “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
The reason
for this special language can be said to be a bid to mystify the profession in
order for it not to be easily understood by the “layman”.
In order to
better understand legal reasoning, there are some key terms that are to be
understood. They are:
- Principles
- Rules
- Legal
They shall
be subsequently explained below:
- Principles: A legal principle has been defined by Farrar
and Dugdale as:
“An established legal truth or proposition that is
so clear that it cannot be reproved or contradicted except by a proposition
which is clearer”.
Thus, legal
principles act as the standard by which actions are to be judged in order to
determine their legality and relevance. Any act or proposition that goes
against a legal principle would be open to criticism and rejection by lawyers.
An example of a legal principle is the principle of natural justice. If a lower
court’s decision is made in violation of this principle, it is likely to be
struck out on appeal.
- Rules: legal rules are the specific instances in
which the legal principles would be applied. For instance, the principle
of natural justice has the following rules:
- Audi alterem patem (hear the other side)
- Nemo judex in causa sua (You can’t be a judge in your own cause).
- Legal
Rhetoric: Rhetoric
is the act of seeking to persuade someone to accept your own opinion
either through speech or writing. Rhetoric is very important for lawyers
as their main business is usually to convince the judge that their cause
should be favoured instead of the other party’s.
rhetoric is achieved by appealing to authority. Authorities are the
sources of law that lawyers appeal to. They can either be primary or secondary.
Primary authority include case laws and statutes while secondary authority
include opinions, writings, legal commentaries etc. Primary authorities when
quoted, are weightier than secondary ones. Thus, if the plaintiff backs up his
arguments with primary authorities and the defendant back up his own with
secondary authorities, judgement would be entered for the plaintiff.
The methods
of legal reasoning are the rules of logic normally applied by lawyers in order
to substantiate their arguments. Three methods of legal reasoning/logic are:
- Inductive
- Syllogism/
deductive reasoning
- Analogical
The above
shall be expatiated below:
- Inductive
Reasoning/Logic: Inductive
reasoning is the one used by a lawyer if he supports his claim with
judicial provisions. In this instance, the lawyer first states the court
holdings in different cases, he then applies it to the case at hand. It is
a form of moving from the specific to the general.
- Syllogism/Deductive
Reasoning: This
form of reasoning is used by a lawyer in most cases in which he uses
statutes as authority. It is a form of logic in which the lawyer starts
from a major premise, advances to a minor premise and then draws a
conclusion. It is a form of reasoning from the general to the specific.
For example,
in a situation in which a prosecutor want to secure a conviction for rape, he
- It is
provided in 357 of the Criminal Code that
whoever has unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman without her consent is
guilty of rape. (MAJOR PREMISE)
- The
accused had unlawful carnal knowledge of the complainant. (MINOR PREMISE)
- The
accused is thus liable for the offence of rape.(CONCLUSION)
- Analogical
Reasoning: This
occurs in a situation in which when using inductive reasoning, the points
of similarity and differences between the different cases are pointed out.
It is used by judges in order to determine if an authority cited is appropriate.
For example,
the case of Carlill vs Carbolic Smokeball Co cannot be used in
a case relating to illegality of a contract. This is due to the fact that by
analysis, it can be deduced that Carlill vs Carbolic Smokeball Co doesn’t
have facts that concern the illegality of contracts.
- O
Sanni: Introduction to Nigerian Legal Method
- The
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 5th Edition
- Black’s
Law Dictionary 9th Edition
- Criminal
Code Act
- The
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).
- John H
Farar & Anthony Dugdale: Legal Method.
Interesting analogy. I have been looking for a Logic Text that analyses practical legal matters.